Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I know it's your first time, and it's mine too!

School Site: THMS
Subject: P.E.

I see an assignment pop up, and it's P.E., ooo! there is a subject I haven't subbed for yet. *click* I'm at a middle school once again, like I said I don't mind, I've had experience with their age group, and I get to visit my homie during the day.

I made sure to dress appropriately, my button up shirts and jeans get enough abuse on a regular day. So I went to Wal-Mart and bought some sweat pants, unfortunately I could not find a pair of shorts that did not look like I had a balloon around my hips, and I was set to go. The only male P.E. teacher was someone I had worked with at the school where I did my student teaching, score! He explained what I needed to do, where I would be, etc etc, gave me some of his 3 habanero salsa 'O.O,
 good to go.

I went out greeted by cheers and uncertainty, as usual,  took role the -really- long way by calling out each student's name, instead of just figuring out which numbers were vacant, and sent them in to dress. Kids are gross and smelly, especially on a day that was looking to reach about 105˚, luckily there was an office with a pathetic air conditioner, but it was enough of a smell barrier.

All day the students just had to run a lap, and then continue walking or they could play soccer. All day it was "It's SO HOT!" Yeah, duh, while you have been inside, with your nice air conditioning, I have been out here getting sunburned, continue being active. I had to constantly be on the students to walk around the track instead of staying static in the nice shady areas, we all suffer together, sorry.

My day was pretty nice, I got some fresh air, I got sunburnt,  and the only elective was a first aid class, which was also cake. My only downfall for the day was the water fountain; the class was up on a hill so I would let first period just come and go as they pleased, well towards the end of the period I noticed half of the class was near the water fountain, which was near the locker rooms. By the time I figured out their game it was too late I could not retrieve them before the bell rang. I got a stern talking to by one of the other butchy P.E. teachers, I guess it's true what they say, and so I had to change up my game plan for the next periods. There was no longer a flood of kids by the water fountain, instead there was a group of bitchy 13 year olds at the top of the hill.

"I'm thirsty!"
"Then tell your buddy to stop dragging his feet"
"… Don't say 'ass'"
" Sorry"

The temperature got to the point where it was unsafe for the kids to be outside and active (95˚), so they just hung out, I made sure no one was causing harm to anyone, and we just talked video games the whole period.

I actually really enjoyed myself, I'm not very apprehensive about taking P.E. assignments, for the most part, unless I think about the fact that I'm trying to keep 50 monkeys in order, but I try not to think about that fact.

I liked teaching P.E. so much I started looking into taking the CSET in Physical Education, this would certify me to teach it and give me more job opportunities. Unfortunately the CSET was overly detailed, as usual, asking for things like; weight trends in America, government sponsored fitness programs throughout the years, and a myriad of kinesiology information that I would -never- use, so I decided to save my $200.

Not all assignments are bad, they are however unique, can't wait for another P.E. assignment though.

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